The Bullseye League sponsored by Cherry Creek Gun Club is held over the winter months on Monday evenings. The Bullseye League shoots relays consisting of three targets with various time limitations for a possible 300 point score. Each target gets 10 shots for a possible 100 points, and each relay takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. Competitors may show up at any time during the league evening and shoot one or more relays. We track the scores over the duration of the league so shooters can measure their improvement and compare scores with shooters of similar skill level.
The league is a great way to get weekly practice and work on the shooting fundamentals to improve in the sport.

If you like target shooting and want to test and improve your shooting skills, the league is a great way to get competition experience and a bit of coaching from experienced shooters if desired.
League typically runs Monday evening from October through March
The Fee is $100 for the entire 6 months of shooting and includes the targets and score sheets
Recommended equipment is a 22 target pistol. Competitors can also shoot a Center Fire gun of their choice or both CF and 22
Open to non-members
Contact Tim Young 720-951-0475 to sign up for league or get more information.